Monday, March 25, 2013


Pres. Obama's chart relocated to Washington DC: Midheaven @21 Scorpio
Jessica Adams excerpt:
The 13 November 2012 eclipse at 10.08pm in London, saw the Sun at 21 Scorpio covered up by the Moon, also at 21 Scorpio. This is a sensitive spot in the charts of some powerful US political figures.
Joe Biden has Mercury at 21 Scorpio. Hillary Clinton also has Mercury at 21 Scorpio, square Saturn at 21 Leo. General Petraeus has Vesta and Cupido at 21 Scorpio. President Barack Obama has Hygeia at 22 Scorpio, just one degree away.
Astrologer Michele Adler has also pointed out that key Obama team members Valerie Jarrett, David Axelrod and David Plouffe also have astrology chart factors at the sensitive 21 Scorpio position

Click on Chart - Larger Image

It should also be noted that the present parliamentary regime in Iran was founded inIran19061906 and is still functioning, despite the collapse of the monarchy in 1979. 

It is this chart, assuming it is still relevant, that most strikingly points to the potential of a confrontation in the spring of 2014. 

The Sun here is 13Libra10, with solar arc Pluto conjunct the natal Sun from March 2014 through March 2015. 

The natal Sun is square to natal Neptune (12Cancer36) and semisquare to natal Venus (28Sorpio19). 

Moreover, these planets in the Iran 1906 chart are in tight hard aspect to the US Sun (13Cancer19) and the Israeli Mars (28Leo18), which itself will be under a solar arc progressed Uranus conjunct natal Mars from February 2014 through February 2015. 

And quite dramatically, hitting all of these combustible combinations multiple times in 2014 through early 2015 – in Iran, Israel, and the US – will be transiting Uranus (13 Aries), transiting Pluto (13 Capricorn), transiting Jupiter (13 Cancer), and transiting retrograde Mars 13 Libra, with all of them coalescing in April 2014.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Obama Administration - Bioethics Public Meeting & culture
Brain invaders
Mark Phillips, former CIA agent
Dr. Robert Duncan, CIA Mind Control expert

MEETING TWELVE: January 14-15, 2013
Miami, Florida

In November 2009, Barack Obama appointed Amy Gutmann chair of the new Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues, and reappointed her in early 2012. 

TRANSCRIPT: Meeting 4, Session 10


March 1, 2011


Washington, D.C.

Download the Transcript

Transcript (excerpt)


If you would keep your comments brief, I would be very appreciative. Because if you don’t, I’m afraid I have to make time for others. Just give us one moment, please.

My name is Dr. John Hall. I am a medical doctor from Texas. As I understand the memorandum from the President, it is for you to determine if current legislation is adequate in protecting individuals and if there is any ongoing experimentation.

In reviewing the Common Rule, it is very obvious that there is a lot of loop holes to informed consent. All of the horrific experiments you have mentioned, Willowbrook, MKULTRA, radiation experiments, mostly were done without informed consent. They were funded by the DoD and intelligence agencies where I am not even so sure you would know if there is an IRB, much less if an IRB is looking at informed consent.

As a physician, relative to some of what you are hearing today, in the community we are seeing an alarming rate of complaints of use of electromagnetic weapons. Microwave auditory effects, silent sound spectrum, EEG cloning, which has taken the lab out of the laboratory and into the home. Most of these from the research that we have reviewed can be done remotely. It seems to be more weapons research than medical research.

I personally corresponded with upwards of 1500 victims all complaining of identical complaints from every state in the nation of being exposed to electromagnetic radiation, non-ionizing radiation for the use of cognitive control or behavior control.

I submitted a paper to you and there is another paper submitted to each member from another physician in Kansas City alluding to the same thing.


Monday, January 21, 2013

2017 Swearing In 1.20.2017 Likely GOP President

1.20. 2017  Inauguration (Friday)

12TH House - 6TH House Axis

Transiting Uranus @20 Aries conjunct USA Chiron @20 Aries
Transiting Jupiter @22 Libra conjunct USA Juno @20 Libra 

Over the past few years, as the Republican Party has gained control over more state legislatures than Democrats. And, it has turned redistricting into a finely-honed, well-financed project. That has virtually insured their control over the House. “While the Voting Rights Act strongly protects against racial gerrymanders, manipulating the lines to favor a political party is common,” the Rose Institute’s Redistricting in America website points out. LINK

ProPublica’s Olga Pierce, Justin Elliott and Theodoric Meyer recently reported, in a piece titled “How Dark Money Helped Republicans Hold the House and Hurt Voters,” that “Republicans had a years-long strategy of winning state houses in order to control each state's once-a-decade redistricting process,” That strategy helped the GOP put a hammerlock on its goal of creating safe Republican districts that would allow it to control of the House.

How Dark Money Helped Republicans Hold the House and Hurt Voters LINK

The Hidden Hands in Redistricting: Corporations and Other Powerful Interests LINK
Today’s story is the first chapter in an in-depth examination of how powerful players are turning to increasingly sophisticated tools and techniques to game the redistricting process, with voters ultimately losing.

For special interests, there’s a huge potential payoff from investing in such efforts.

“Reshaping a map is very powerful” for donors, said Spencer Kimball, a political consultant who is executive director of Boston-based Fair Districts Mass. “It’s a big opportunity to have influence at the state level and the congressional level not one race at a time but for 10 years.”

Saturn enters Capricorn  12/19/2017  - LINK

Saturn remains in Capricorn - until March 21, 2020 

Click on Chart - Larger Image
Capitol Building

2017 Transiting CIRCE @08 Gemini - First House (bias, only one way)
USA Uranus @08 Gemini 

1.21.2013 Public Ceremony Inauguration President Obama

State Senate Republicans muscled a surreptitious redraft of Virginia’s 40 Senate districts to passage Monday by a single vote over bitter objections from Democrats who were blindsided by the surprise move. 
On a party line 20-19 vote after limited debate, Republicans won Senate passage of an amendment to a House bill that previously had made only minor technical corrections to district lines. 
A court fight is exactly what Republicans can expect, Democrats said.
Virginia Senate Sneaks Through Gerrymandering Bill While Country Watches Inauguration

ThinkProgress is reporting the following:
While the eyes of the nation were turned toward President Barack Obama’s second inauguration on Monday, the Virginia State Senate managed to hurriedly pass a bill that would redistrict the state’s senate seats. 
The vote, 20-19, would have been a tie had Democratic Senator Henry Marsh been present. Marsh, a civil rights leader, was in Washington, D.C., attending the inauguration. Had Marsh been present, however, the state’s Lieutenant Governor would likely have broken the tie. The bill was reportedly pushed through in a matter of hours. 
According to Virginia politics blogger Ben Tribbett, the move could potentially eliminate at least one Democratic seat, the 25th district, which currently belongs to former Democratic gubernatorial candidate Sen. Creigh Deeds (D).
Blue Virginia further reports that, according to a Virginia political analyst, "If VA Republicans were smart enough not to touch the already cleared VRA districts, the plan will likely stand. Dems are toast." 
The great Republican election rigging continues.

PA GOP Introduces Bill To Rig 2016 Presidential Electoral VotesJust like clockwork, it begins: 
On Monday, seven Pennsylvania Republican state representatives introduced a bill to make this vote-rigging scheme a reality in their state. Under their bill, the winner of Pennsylvania as a whole will receive only 2 of the state’s 20 electoral votes, while “[e]ach of the remaining presidential electors shall be elected in the presidential elector’s congressional district.” 
Pennsylvania is a blue state that voted for the Democratic presidential candidate in every single presidential race for the last two decades, so implementing the GOP election-rigging plan in Pennsylvania would make it much harder for a Democrat to be elected to the White House. 
Moreover, because of gerrymandering, it is overwhelmingly likely that the Republican candidate will win a majority of Pennsylvania’s electoral votes even if the Democrat wins the state by a very comfortable margin. Despite the fact that President Obama won Pennsylvania by more than 5 points last November, Democrats carried only 5 of the state’s 18 congressional seats. Accordingly, Obama would have likely won only 7 of the state’s 20 electoral votes if the GOP vote rigging plan had been in effect last year.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Swearing In Time Announced: 11:55 AM

Click on Chart - Larger Image -
1/20 Sunday - by law swearing in must be on this day
Sunday 1.20.2012 Swearing In - President Obama

Moon @19 Taurus - First House
wax square
Mars @10 Aquarius - Tenth House
Uranus @05 Aries - Twelfth House (GOP Stealth Re-Districting Monday 1.21.2013)

Polygon Aspect: another way to describe this aspect

Apex Aspect, Uranus @05 Aries, 12TH House 
Mars @20 Aquarius 10TH House
wax semi-square
Moon @19 Taurus 1RST House

Midpoint Moon / Mars @04 Aries (04 Libra)

Public Ceremony Monday:
Sun Aquarius - Moon Gemini: We the People Are Of Two Minds ~ Jude Cowell

January 21, 2013 at 12:00 p.m. in Washington, DC

On Inauguration morning, the Moon will enter Gemini where it will conjunct Jupiter, trine the Sun, and sextile Jupiter. At sunset, the Moon and Jupiter will be conjunct in the sky,“Get ready for closest Moon-Jupiter conjunction until 2026?

Aquarius Pluto is about the ideas of equality and liberty. 1778-1798, 2024-2044

Pluto in Aquarius changes the system, and a society. People who have this placement are motivated by seeing themselves outside, or above the status quo system, inclined to alter it in order to change human social interactions on a national and international scale.

Robots replacing workers:

Once human cognition is replaced, what else have we got? For the ultimate extreme example, imagine a robot that costs $5 to manufacture and can do everything you do, only better. You would be as obsolete as a horse.

Now, humans will never be completely replaced, like horses were. Horses have no property rights or reproductive rights, nor the intelligence to enter into contracts. There will always be something for humans to do for money. But it is quite possible that workers' share of what society produces will continue to go down and down, as our economy becomes more and more capital-intensive. 

This possibility is increasingly the subject of discussion among economists. Erik Brynjolfsson has written a book about it, and economists like Paul Krugman and Tyler Cowen are talking about it more and more ( huge collection of links, courtesy of blogger Izabella Kaminska - LINK ). 

How to Protect Workers From the Rise of Robots  - LINK

In the academic literature, the theory goes by the name of "capital-biased technological change."

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Day after election NRA 2014 - Election November 4th

Click on Chart - Larger Image 

NRA Saturn conjunct Mars @07 Capricorn
Nov 5th 2014 Transiting Mars @07 Capricorn

Sextile  Kite Aspect

Apex Kite (nose of kite, lift) , T/Mars @07 Capricorn
conjunct NRA  Mars conjunct Saturn @07 CP


Neptune @04 Pisces


Pallas @ 07 Scorpio


Tail of Kite (drag)
USA Jupiter @05 Cancer ( USA Venus @03 Cancer)

Sunday, January 6, 2013

A number of former bankers have recently declared that the banking industry is broken.
Herbert Allison, the ex-president of Merrill Lynch and former head of the Obama administration’s Troubled Asset Relief Program, wrote a scathing e-book about the failures of the large banks, stopping just short of labeling them all vampire squids.
A parade of former high-ranking executives has called for bank breakups, tighter regulation, or a return to the Depression-era Glass-Steagall law, which separated commercial banking from investment banking.
Among them: Philip Purcell (ex-CEO of Morgan Stanley Dean Witter), Sallie Krawcheck (ex-CFO of Citigroup), David Komansky (ex-CEO of Merrill Lynch), and John Reed (former coĆ¢€‘CEO of Citigroup).
Sandy Weill, another ex-CEO of Citigroup, who built a career on financial megamergers, did a stunning about-face this summer, advising, with breathtaking chutzpah, that the banks should now be broken up.